WordPress 出品的帽子和T-Shirt,样子很简洁。汗的是,那个标志有点大众的味道!
私人的图片是不同的,只有自己可浏览的图片,顾名思义,图片仅有用户自己可以浏览、引用;好友可见的 图片是只有用户在和讯站内的好友可以浏览、收藏、下载、引用该幅图片当你上传完图片后,和讯图片的管理员将会对您的图片进行审核,以保证没有违反相关规定的图片。同时管理员会根据图片的具体情况,选择一部分较好的图片显示在公共区域.如果你希望自己的图片能显示在公共区域,被更多人浏览,就尽量上传原创的作品哦。[…]
It has come to our attention that under certain circumstances there is a security vulnerability in WordPress that may be triggered if you’re running the default template. We were able to respond very quickly (under 40 minutes) and update the download to You can upgrade by overwriting your old 1.5 files or if you would like to apply the fix manually it is relatively simple:
1、Open the wp-includes/template-functions-category.php file in a text editor like Wordpad.
2、Go to around line 103 where it says get_the_category_by_ID.
3、Create a new line after that and paste in $cat_ID = (int) $cat_ID;One note, even if the vulnerability was present in your blog, you would still be safe if your host ran mod_security on their servers. It is an Apache module which can provide very high-level protection against everything like the vulnerability above to comment spam. We will be updating the hosting page shortly to reflect which hosts there support mod_security or not.
2、如果你想自己动手,很简单。打开wp-includes/template-functions-category.php(可以在后台的Manage→Files中打开,方便!),查找到get_the_category_by_ID(在103行,是个函数名),在这行的下面加上$cat_ID = (int) $cat_ID;
function get_the_category_by_ID($cat_ID) {
$category = &get_category($cat_ID);
return $category->cat_name;
function get_the_category_by_ID($cat_ID) {
$cat_ID = (int) $cat_ID; //添加这行
$category = &get_category($cat_ID);
return $category->cat_name;
I finally decided to move my greek blog from drupal to wordpress. Since there was no migration script, I wrote a couple of sql statements that moved all posts, comments and categories from my drupal tables to the (new) wordpress 1.5 tables.
Here is the proccess in short:
WARNING This may delete your DATA Make sure you backup EVERYTHING before starting the procedure
1. setup a fresh wordpress installation.
2. make sure term_data term_hierarchy node term_node comments (drupal tables) are in the same DB you use from WP.
3. Run the following SQL statements:delete from weblog_wp_categories ;
delete from weblog_wp_posts;
delete from weblog_wp_post2cat ;
delete from weblog_wp_comments ;insert into weblog_wp_categories(cat_ID,cat_name, category_nicename, category_description, category_parent) select term_data.tid, name, name, description, parent from term_data, term_hierarchy where term_data.tid=term_hierarchy.tid ;
INSERT INTO weblog_wp_posts(
ID, post_date, post_content, post_title, post_excerpt, post_name, post_modified
)SELECT nid, FROM_UNIXTIME(created), body, title, teaser, concat(‘OLD’,nid), FROM_UNIXTIME(changed) FROM node WHERE type=’blog’ OR type=’page’ ;
INSERT INTO weblog_wp_post2cat (post_id,category_id) SELECT nid,tid FROM term_node ;
INSERT INTO weblog_wp_comments (
comment_post_ID, comment_date, comment_content, comment_parent
)SELECT nid, FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp), concat(‘‘,subject, ‘
‘, comment), thread FROM comments ;You should now have all your posts and comments and categories in WP. Go to the admin interface and make sure everything is in place…
Notes: This is not the perfect way to migrate. Comments are not nested in the right way. A lot of things may not work. On the other hand if, like me, made a really simple use of Drupal, this should move most of your data to WP…
[PS]谢谢 jay在留言簿上的提醒!!之前的很多留言都没能及时回复,在这里跟大伙说声对不起了~
Google AdSense for Feeds
AdSense for feeds is a program that enables publishers to place relevant ads in the feeds they syndicate. Google technology understands the nuances of language, and places ads that are closely matched (or “targeted”) to the content next to which they appear. Learn more…If you are a current AdSense publisher and your feed has more than 100 active subscribers, you may qualify for participation in AdSense for feeds (BETA). If you’d like to participate, simply fill out the application below.
If you do not have an AdSense account, click here to apply.
[PS]your feed has more than 100 active subscribers!这好像有点多了吧!看来申请是不能通过了~:sad: